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How Much Fluoride Is in Denver Water?

How much fluoride is in Denver water?

Fluoride is an inorganic, monatomic anion with the chemical formula F-. Fluoride ions come from the element fluorine and can be found naturally in soil, rocks and water. Although, fluoride is present in most rainwater, fresh and saltwater sources, the concentration is low, at around 0.3 mg/L. In addition to this naturally occurring calcium fluoride, a synthetic, industrial version of fluoride is often added to tap water in the form of sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluorosilicate.


Why Additional Fluoride Is Added to Tap Water

After 1945, additional synthetic fluoride compounds were introduced to public drinking water in the United States. Scientists found that fluoride binds to tooth enamel in a process called remineralization that makes the tooth more resistant to acid erosion. Because many poor segments of society did not practice proper dental hygiene at the time, it was thought that adding fluoride compounds to drinking water would be helpful.

Today, toothpaste containing fluoride has become readily available and affordable in the U.S. Consequently, water fluoridation is now unnecessary. This has been proven in Western Europe, where the increased use of toothpaste in the last half century has been found to be more effective in preventing tooth decay than ingesting fluoride. According to Flouridealert.org, 97% of Western Europe has non-fluoridated water and has seen the same decline in tooth decay in the past 50 years as the U.S.


Fluoride in Denver Water

For those wondering, “Does Denver, Colorado have fluoride in the water?” The answer is, "Yes." That's true because, as noted above,  fluoride exists naturally in virtually all water. The real question is, “How much fluoride is in Denver tap water?” According to the CDC, Denver tap water does have additional synthetic fluoride, and as a result, its fluoride content is 0.7 mg/L.


Is Fluoride Dangerous to Ingest for Denver Residents?

When discussing the safety of tap water, it's important to understand the different types of fluoride and the levels of fluoride found naturally in springs, creeks and rivers.  A trace amount of fluoride is found in fresh water all over the world, so we know it’s perfectly natural to be ingesting fluoride in this form. Potential health problems arise when synthetic fluoride compounds like sodium fluoride, fluorosilic acid and sodium fluorosilicate are added to tap water. Consuming excessive amounts of fluoride can lead to a condition known as fluorosis, a calcification of joints in the body and can also cause white streaks on the teeth. In addition, a study has linked high fluoride  consumption in pregnant women to reduced IQ levels in children.


A Natural Water Option for Denver-Area Residents

For residents living in the Denver, Colorado area, the presence of synthetic fluoride in their tap water may be concerning. There is, however, a more natural alternative for drinking water for Denver area residents. Eldorado Natural Spring Water comes from an underground spring water system and does not contain synthetic fluoride. Denver residents can rest assured knowing that the fluoride in our water is naturally occurring from Colorado rocks and minerals.

How do Eldorado Natural Spring Water and Denver tap water compare? Here are the numbers: 

Eldorado Natural Spring Water - 0.19 mg/L

Denver Tap Water - 0.70 mg/L


A Water Company That Aligns With Your Values

Not only do we provide naturally fluoridated drinking water as an option for Colorado residents, we're also committed to using environmentally sustainable business practices. For example,  Eldorado Natural Spring Water products are bottled in 100% post-consumer, recycled plastic material called PET, which is BPA free. What's more, Eldorado’s manufacturing facility in Louisville, Colorado obtains 50% of its energy from a rooftop 100 kilowatt solar electric system and recycles 96% of waste from its paper, cardboard and plastics.


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