Still Have Some Questions About Us or Our Water?

The artesian springs located in Eldorado Canyon emanate from one of the most unique sources in the world. This spring water originates as rain and snow just east of the Continental Divide. From there, it enters an aquifer that passes underneath Eldorado Springs. An immense artesian pressure forces the water through a layer of sandstone up to the surface in Eldorado Springs, creating a natural filtering system.
Protecting the source from all other ground waters is a 500-foot thick layer of clay just above the sandstone that is impervious to ground water. Eldorado Springs is surrounded by hundreds of acres of local, state, and federal park land. All these factors contribute to water renowned as one of the purest natural springs in the world and judged to be the best-tasting water in North America.
*There are several different types of filtration systems, each with their pluses and minuses. In the removal of harmful pollutants, some systems remove beneficial minerals such as calcium and zinc as well. With all the various options, it can sometimes get confusing which systems offer what. The following is an overview of the most common filtration methods:
- Distillation: Distilled water essentially has had all the dissolved matter within it removed by first evaporating the water then condensing it back to liquid form. The result is an extremely pure water with no real contaminants. But about 99 percent of all dissolved matter in water is composed of minerals. Hence, distilled water is basically mineral free. Distillation is also costly, energy intensive and slow. Additionally, since the water has lost its own minerals, it can leach minerals from the body.
- Reverse osmosis (RO): RO operates on water pressure, requiring at least 40 pounds per square inch (psi). The water pressure forces water molecules through a filter, or membrane, leaving both the mineral and pollution molecules behind. Like distillers, ROs make water very slowly. They also can use as much as eight gallons of untreated water to make one gallon of treated. Reverse osmosis will not remove quite as many contaminants as distilled water, but it is one of the purest filtration methods. Though this water, like distilled, can leach minerals from the body.
- Carbon filters: Carbon is especially effective for removing organic chemicals, chlorine, trihalomethanes (THMs) and radon - filtering out 80 percent to 99 percent of these contaminants. Carbon will not remove microorganisms or toxic minerals, however. In fact, one drawback of carbon is that it can be a breeding ground for bacteria if the filter is not changed often enough.
- Sediment filters: Sediment filters basically serve as a screen to remove dirt and other particles from water. Public water has the coarse particles removed, but not the finer ones. The filters range in screening capabilities from five to 20 microns.
- Membrane and ceramic filters: These two filters specifically remove bacteria and parasites, with ceramic being longer-lasting and sturdier than membrane.
- Redox filters: Redox is short for reduction oxidation, a chemical exchange process whereby toxic metals are converted to harmless zinc and copper compounds. The zinc-copper alloy in the filter also traps chlorine and greatly reduces bacteria in the water.
Eldorado Natural Spring Water is available in Colorado in King Soopers, City Markets, Safeway, Albertson's, Vitamin Cottage, Whole Foods, and other fine stores.
Eldorado Natural Spring Water is distributed throughout the United States by the nations two largest natural foods distributors. Ask your favorite health food store to order Eldorado Natural Spring Water!
Eldorado Springs offers you the convenience to pay your bill online with your credit card. Go to our online payment page and enter your billing information. Click submit to confirm the payment. You will receive an email confirming the transaction if you provided us with your email address.
The pool opens Memorial Day Weekend and stays open through Labor Day.
The pool is open 7 days a week between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM.
Yes, the basic cost for this service is only $75.00. The specifications for designing your label are as follows.
- The labels are printed digitally- 4 color process
- The label die cut size is 2.125" x 7.25"
- The resolution of artwork should be at least 300dpi
- Final artwork needs to have a 1/16 of an inch bleed around all 4 sides
- Text needs to be 1/16 of an inch above cut line (otherwise text will be cropped off)
- Data should be provided as a high resolution JPG, GIF, or PDF Save your images in CMYK
- The label should contain the following text in a clearly visible location (positioned horizontally or vertically): 100% Natural Spring Water • 16.9 fl. oz. Bottled by: Eldorado Artesian Springs, Inc. • 1-800-499-1316
Put your empties out later. Delay putting your empty bottles out until the day of pickup, to minimize wear and tear on our bottles. This thoughtful approach ensures that our bottles remain in pristine condition, ready to be reused for years to come.
Bring your new bottles inside ASAP. Remember to bring your new bottles inside as quickly as possible to protect them from the harsh effects of freezing temperatures. This will prevent any cracks or breakages (especially glass bottles), and help maintain the quality and integrity of the bottles ensuring they remain in perfect condition future use.
General Water FAQs
*There are five types of health-threatening water pollutants:
- Microorganisms: These include harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Bacteria are easily detected and killed by chlorine. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and although chlorine will kill some viruses, it will not kill all.
- Toxic minerals: Mildly toxic minerals such as aluminum, arsenic, asbestos, barium, chromium, fluoride, nitrate and silver, and deadly toxins such as cadmium, lead and mercury, may be found in tap water. These minerals are inorganic and naturally present in water, but increased quantities can exist from man-made sources of pollution.
- Organic chemicals: These are substances that come directly from plant or animal matter including fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, paints, fuels, plastics, dyes and preservatives. According to recent research, new and dangerous chemicals have been created from chlorine combining with organic substances-forming what are called trihalomethanes (THMs).
- Radioactive substances: Radioactive minerals such as uranium and radioactive gases such as radon occur in water.
- Additives: All public water treatment facilities add chemicals to the water, mainly for purification. The most widely used disinfectant is chlorine, sometimes combined with ammonia. Fluoride-a compound of fluorine, which is irritating and a toxic gas-is also commonly added. Other additives are flocculants, substances added to make pollutants clump together for more efficient removal by filtering. The EPA classifies some flocculants as "probable human carcinogens," but still allows their use.
*Source: The Drinking Water Book by Colin Ingram.
Want to know more? Check out our Eldorado Springs Water Analysis.
The bottled water industry is regulated by both the federal and state government. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations coupled with state standards offer consumers assurance that the bottled water they drink is clean, safe, stringently tested, and of the highest quality.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) uses the following definitions: Artesian Water or Artesian Well Water: "Water from a well tapping a confined aquifer in which the water level stands at some height above the top of the aquifer. Artesian water may be collected with assistance of external force to enhance the natural underground pressure."
- Ground Water: "Water from a subsurface saturated zone that is under a pressure equal to or greater than atmospheric pressure."
- Mineral Water: "Water containing not less than 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids, coming from a source tapped at one or more bore holes or springs, originating from a geologically physically protected underground water source."
- Purified or Demineralized Water: "Water that has been produced by distillation, de-ionization, reverse osmosis, or other suitable processes."
- Sparkling Water: "Water that, after treatment and possible replacement of carbon dioxide, contains the same amount of carbon dioxide that it had at emergence from the source."
- Spring Water: "Water derived from an underground formation from which water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Spring water can be collected only at the spring or through a bore hole tapping the underground formation feeding the spring."
- Well Water: "Water from a hole bored, drilled, or otherwise constructed in the ground which taps the water of an aquifer."
Check out our blog post titled, "Know How it Flows: A Brief Explanation of The Different Water Types" for a quick run down of your water options.
At Eldorado , we are huge proponents of staying hydrated and healthy. In order to keep informed on the latest and greatest health advancements, we are constantly conducting research and seeking out information that could affect our product, and most importantly, affect you. We’ve recently received a few questions about our bottle types in regard to BPA. Here’s a quick explanation of what BPA is, as well as the reasoning behind the packaging options we have available.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that has been used to harden plastics since the 1960s. It can be found in anything from water bottles and canned food, to dental sealants and medical devices. Recent studies have shown that BPA can be ingested when consuming foods or liquids that have been packaged with BPA. It is also possible to pick up BPA through the air, dust, or water.
Please see our blog on this subject.

One Taste And I Was Hooked
"I was in Boulder recently and stopped to buy some water for my trip back to Denver. Normally I drink Aqua Fina’s brand of water, which is a good product. This day I happened to purchase your product. One taste and I was hooked. Now I’m never without a bottle of your water — at home, work or play. I am a satisfied customer. Thank you."
– Larry S. Lucero, Denver