Colorado Impact

Colorado Impact

And You Thought Water Was Just for Drinking!

[fa icon="calendar'] May 1, 2023 3:35:37 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water, environment, Technology

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While we just KNOW that our water is the best tasting water you can find here in Colorado (or anywhere else in the country), we humbly acknowledge that water can be found anywhere and everywhere on earth. 

Of course, water is crucial to life. According to LiveScience, “several chemical properties of water make it indispensable for livinggrowth creatures… At heart, all life on Earth uses a membrane that separates the organism from its environment. To stay alive, the organism takes in important materials for making energy, while shuttling out toxic substances such as waste products. In this regard, water is essential simply because it's a liquid at Earth-like temperatures. Because it flows, water provides an efficient way to transfer substances from a cell to the cell's environment.”

I know! Exciting stuff, right? We all know that water is important to life, but it has nonetheless been truly exciting to see and hear how our water is being used to not only stimulate life, but also support the growth of a local business that is preparing to teach others about how to create a sustainable source of food through aquaponics.


A Bit About Aquaponics (and It’s Next-of-Kin, Hydroponics)

Aqua+systemAquaponics and hydroponics are both methods of growing plants without the use of soil, using nutrient-rich water instead to feed the plants. But there are some key differences between the two methodologies. Hydroponics relies on a nutrient-rich solution which requires human intervention to replenish. Aquaponics combines the principles of aquaculture and hydroponics to create a closed-loop system that does not require human-provided replenishment. fish-tankEmploying aquaculture—the practice of breeding fish—aquaponics utilizes fish waste to provide the nutrients the plants need to grow, and the plants filter and clean the water for the fish, creating a self-sustaining system that can be used to produce a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc.  Because of this symbiotic relationship between the fish and the plant life, aquaponics is a more sustainable and cost-effective method of farming than hydroponics. 


Introducing BountyHaus School Farms

BountyHaus School Farms is a unique initiative that providesseedlings learners with a sustainable source of food, while teaching them about sustainable farming practices through aquaponics. BountyHaus School Farms “makes learning fun by engaging and empowering student education everywhere. Students have the opportunity to grow food in schools with the help of BountyHaus’ aquaponic technology. Students learn from the source with BountyHaus, understanding more about nutrients inside healthy food, our environment, the diversity of various ecosystems, study microbiology in aquaponics and careers in agriculture and environment.”

maturing-plantsBountyHaus has developed and is refining a module-based environment that includes everything a school, business, community or church would need to create their own sustainable aquaponics grow house. And, much like us at Eldorado Natural Spring Water, BountyHaus believes in educating and nurturing healthy habits, sustainable energy practices (like solar power), and leaving a better future for our children.


And They Get Their Water From…

eldo-water-inWhen selecting the water for their aquaponics systems, requiring one-hundred and eighty 5-gallon bottles, they selected Eldorado Natural Spring Water. Not only did the folks at BountyHaus want to work with another local Colorado company, they also recognized that Eldorado Natural Spring Water is a high-quality water source that is free of pollutants and contaminants. Because our water is also naturally rich in minerals, it makes an ideal choice for supporting aquaponics… because you can’t manufacture natural!

BountyHaus School Farms is developing an innovative way oflotta-wata providing fresh, healthy, and locally sourced food to organizations like schools, businesses, communities and churches, while teaching them about sustainable food production. BountyHaus is a great example of how sustainable farming practices can be used to create a self-sustaining source of healthy, locally sourced food. We at Eldorado Natural Spring Water are proud to support a company that shares its values and commitment to sustainability. We'll drop in from time to time to check on the progress of their crops.

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50 Ways to Conserve Water

[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2022 12:04:10 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water, water conservation

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Ways to conserve water

The summer months are finally upon us and along with backyard barbecues, poolside lounging, and sun-filled hikes also comes the responsibility of staying water conscious.  It’s no secret that we in Colorado have a very arid climate and are therefore more susceptible to droughts. It’s our duty as Coloradans to protect this very important resource! Here are 50 easy ways to help conserve water this summer.

  1. When watering plants, apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it.
  2. Use sprinklers that deliver big drops of water, close to the ground.
  3. Use a water-conserving icemaker.
  4. Teach children to turn off faucets tightly after each use.
  5. While you wait for hot water, collect the cold water and save it for watering plants.
  6. Adjust your lawn mower to 1.5-2”. Taller grass requires less water.
  7. Re-use the water for cooking pasta to water your plants.
  8. Consider attending a landscape class for water-saving tips.
  9. Wash company vehicles at commercial car washes that recycle water.
  10. Hire a GreenPlumberⓇ to help reduce your water, chemical, and energy use.
  11. Check your sprinkler system frequently and make adjustments as needed.
  12. Create a goal of how much water your company can save and then reward yourselves.
  13. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean patios, sidewalks and driveways.
  14. Give your irrigation system a checkup to see if it is working efficiently.
  15. Take 5 minute showers instead of baths.
  16. Report broken pipes, leaky hydrants, and errant sprinklers you see to your local water provider.  
  17. Install water-saving aerators on all your faucets.
  18. If your dishwasher is new, cut back on rinsing.
  19. Cook food in as little water as possible. This also helps retain more nutrients.
  20. When landscaping, plant species that are native to your region.
  21. When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run. Fill a basin instead.
  22. Consider buying a dual-flush toilet with two different flush levels.
  23. Try insulating hot water pipes.
  24. Install a WaterSenseⓇ showerhead.
  25. Try washing dark clothes in cold water. It also helps retain the color.
  26. Run your washer and dishwasher only when they are full.
  27. Use the garbage disposal sparingly and instead compost vegetable food waste.
  28. Wash fruits and vegetables in a pan instead of running water from the tap.
  29. Turn off the water while washing your hair and save up to 150 gallons a month.
  30. Instead of building a private pool, join a community pool like Eldorado Springs!
  31. Have a plumber reroute your graywater to trees and plants rather than a sewer line.
  32. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and save up to 4 gallons a minute.
  33. Minimize evaporation by watering your plants in the early morning when temperatures are cooler.
  34. Reward kids for water-saving tips they follow.
  35. Designate one glass or bottle for your drinking water a day so you don’t have to keep washing them. Eldorado Natural Spring Water is the perfect, most pure choice.
  36. At home or while staying in a hotel, reuse your towels.
  37. Ask fellow employees for ideas on how to save water and reward them with prizes.
  38. When sprucing up your front or backyard, consider xeriscaping.
  39. If you accidentally drop ice cubes, don’t throw them in the sink. Drop them in a house plant.  
  40. Scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before washing.
  41. Defrost food in the refrigerator instead of using running water.
  42. Keep a close eye on your water bill to help spot leaks (and wasted money).
  43. Leave lawn clippings on your grass to cool the ground and help retain moisture.
  44. Soak pots and pans instead of running the faucet while you scrape them.
  45. Don’t water your lawn on windy days when most water will blow away or evaporate.
  46. Aerate your lawn periodically to allow water to more easily reach the roots.
  47. Learn how to use your water meter to check for leaks.
  48. Plant in the spring and fall when watering requirements are lower.
  49. Pass these ideas onto your employer or school.  
  50. Visit your local Water Conservation office’s website for more ideas.

We at Eldorado Natural Spring Water are proud to be recognized as environmental stewards within our community. From our 100% recycled plastic bottles to supporting local causes, we’re always looking for ways to keep Eldorado Springs and the state of Colorado in its natural, pristine condition. That way, we’ll be able to share our delicious water with you for years and years to come. Interested in learning more about how we’re holding ourselves accountable and what we’re doing within our community? 

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May of 2016.


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This blog was previously published on 7/19/2017

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