If you’ve ever participated in ultimate frisbee, you know how exhilarating and exhausting it can be. As any ultimate frisbee enthusiast will tell you, once you step foot on that field, you never want to come off. The thrill of the game, the teamwork, and the competitive spirit keep you going.
Because we understand the importance of staying hydrated during intense physical activities like ultimate frisbee we have been providing our refreshing natural spring water to the Grass Roots Ultimate athletes in the Boulder, Longmont, and Denver areas, for over three decades.
Grass Roots Ultimate is not just an organization; it's a community that fosters the growth and love for ultimate frisbee. They go above and beyond by hosting leagues, tournaments, youth events, and women's activities, ensuring that everyone has a chance to experience the joy and camaraderie that this sport brings.
That’s why whether you're a seasoned player or a beginner, we’ll be there to ensure that you never miss a beat on the ultimate frisbee field. Just grab a bottle, take a sip, and let the pureness of Eldorado Natural Spring Water fuel your passion for the game. Stay hydrated, stay in the game, and let the frisbee fly!
The Ultimate Beverage for Ultimate Frisbee
[fa icon="calendar"] Nov 16, 2023 8:54:00 AM / by Eldorado Marketing