Nothing says “summer” like a leisurely stroll through a farmers market in Colorado. The sun is shining, thekids are laughing and playing, and the fresh produce is simply incredible. For “foodies” or just people who love local community events, it’s paradise!
Fresh Air, Great Produce, and Delicious Spring Water at Colorado Farmers Markets
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 8, 2023 12:39:35 PM / by Eldorado Marketing
And You Thought Water Was Just for Drinking!
[fa icon="calendar'] May 1, 2023 3:35:37 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water, environment, Technology
While we just KNOW that our water is the best tasting water you can find here in Colorado (or anywhere else in the country), we humbly acknowledge that water can be found anywhere and everywhere on earth.
The Importance of Electrolytes and Hydration at High Altitude
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 23, 2022 8:49:43 AM / by Michele Yates posted in Hydration, Eldorado Springs, Award-Winning Water
Electrolytes and hydration are an important aspect of your overall health. To get an better start understanding electrolytes, we will begin to explore them in the context of high altitude. For athletes—and especially high-altitude athletes—electrolyte balance is critical to maintain optimal athletic performance and safety. You need to be feeling your best on that fourteener (mountain-person parlance for "14,000-foot mountain")
50 Ways to Conserve Water
[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2022 12:04:10 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water, water conservation
The summer months are finally upon us and along with backyard barbecues, poolside lounging, and sun-filled hikes also comes the responsibility of staying water conscious. It’s no secret that we in Colorado have a very arid climate and are therefore more susceptible to droughts. It’s our duty as Coloradans to protect this very important resource! Here are 50 easy ways to help conserve water this summer.
Colorado Drinking Water Regulations
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 3, 2020 8:20:53 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in water conservation, Water Quality
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is the primary authority in Colorado for enforcing the federal Safe Drinking Water Act by the EPA. As part of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Department of Water Quality Control is responsible for implementing programs that support the Safe Drinking Water Act. The aim is to equip public water systems so that they can always provide the public with safe drinking water. These goals are achieved through enforcement of local laws, regulations, permits and regular inspections of public water systems.
Sustainability in Colorado Waterways
[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 15, 2020 12:20:31 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in environment, water conservation, Water Quality
The snow that falls on the mountains in Colorado contributes to more than just the beautiful scenery. Snow and other precipitation ultimately provide both the surface water and the groundwater that we use for drinking—not to mention the water that powers rivers and fills lakes for activities like rafting and fishing.
The majority of the life-giving water in Colorado's rivers and streams originates along the continental divide that runs through the majestic mountains. Colorado residents and visitors have a responsibility to keep our waterways free of litter and other pollutants to ensure a clean water supply to our amazing state.
Colorado Water Hardness
[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 9, 2020 12:08:41 PM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water Quality
"Hardness" is a property of water determined by the amounts of dissolved minerals it contains, specifically calcium and magnesium. Most people associate the term with water quality and also with a build-up of material in their shower or sink. This accumulation occurs because soapsuds can’t be produced until dissolved minerals in the water have been combined with soap. Those minerals that are removed from the water remain as an insoluble residue.
A Denver Lead Reduction Program Alternative
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 17, 2020 9:53:25 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water Quality, Drinking water
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lead contamination in water is linked to developmental disabilities and other long-term health problems including anemia, neurological problems, kidney failure and even death.
How Does Groundwater Contamination Happen During Wildfires?
[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 7, 2018 10:00:00 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in water conservation, Safe drinking water
Currently, Colorado is experiencing severe drought in the southern half of the state, which is resulting in large fires consuming huge swaths of forest. State officials are now concerned about water contamination in watersheds. What exactly should officials be concerned about?
A Tiny Town With Tons To Do
[fa icon="calendar'] May 20, 2016 1:33:00 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Eldorado Springs
As you probably already know, Eldorado Natural Spring Water’s artesian springs are nestled in the cozy mountain town of Eldorado Springs. Located just a stone’s throw away from Boulder, our tiny hometown actually has lots to do. Come on down for a weekend and enjoy a few of the following world class attractions Eldorado Springs has to offer!