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Eldorado Water Blog

Eldorado Water Blog

Yoga Practitioner Reflects on His Attachment to Eldorado Spring Water

[fa icon="calendar"] May 31, 2018 3:57:11 PM / by Richii Jai

Yoga Practitioner Reflects on Eldorado Natural Spring WaterEldorado Springs has been near and dear to my heart for years. I’ve been going to the spring to fill water bottles fresh from the mountain spring source since I was in my teens. Back in that day, there was only an aluminum trough and a hose as a spigot, and we all felt as though we knew a secret about the best water in the world. In our minds, Eldo (local’s-only slang!) was a “hidden canyon” outside of people’s attention, and a sweet spot to retreat to for hiking and visiting with friends.

Growing Up Near the Source of Fresh Mountain Spring Water

An experience of refreshment, renewed energy, and a sense of belonging came with drinking Eldorado water. We’d fill our bottles and say “thank you” to the mountain, knowing that this water came from deep beneath it. We drank fully in the serenity of our quiet mountain.
I’ve never forgotten that feeling and the sense of security that came from knowing the secret of this water.
As I moved around Colorado, I would only get to visit Eldorado Springs while visiting Boulder. I lived in the higher mountain towns, and in southern Colorado for a few years, but remained grateful to have access to deep water sources, untouched and unpolluted. When I moved back to Boulder County in my early 30s, I began having large bottles of Eldorado Natural Spring Water delivered to my home. I shared a house with five other people and it seemed that they all loved the water as well, because, in addition to my regular delivery, I had to go to the spring and fill bottles frequently.

An Important, Ongoing Part of a Healthy Family Lifestyle

Nowadays I make the trip to Eldorado Springs a regular part of my schedule, and I bring my two-year-old daughter. She absolutely loves this place and has become part of the water filling team, efficiently flowing the water into bottles, loading the truck, and arranging the bottles. I feel good about her getting to drink this water, knowing it’s the best water in the world, and that she sees it coming right out of the mountain. If there’s any single ingredient that is the secret to my health it’s this special water.
Recently, I hand-built a water cabinet to hold our Eldorado Natural Spring Water dispenser in the kitchen—it’s all hardwood and has a space below for an extra bottle. Above the dispenser is a shelf space that holds some sacred items and family pictures. I mention this because our home seems to function around the water dispenser, cooking, teas, and coffees—and filling bottles to take to work and play.
I’m grateful and healthy, and I’m deeply satisfied by the important role Eldorado water has played and continues to play in my life. Thank you Eldo!
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Topics: Health, Water, Eldorado Springs

Richii Jai

Written by Richii Jai

Richii Jai is a Colorado native and a true yoga enthusiast. Engaging in personal practice and teaching yoga & fitness classes daily, his interests are feeling good, having fun, and sharing what he discovers with his students along the way. Richii Jai pays full attention to his students, drawing from a deep knowledge base of human anatomy, proper alignment methods, and a complex understanding of the unique expression that each person is living. He welcomes requests and encourages students to be honest, free, and curious in exploring their postures. Richii Jai is a certified 200-hour ERYT (Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher) and the author of this curriculum. Richii Jai led over 10,000 hours of studio classes in Colorado from 2006–2016, including: specialty programs, workshops, Yoga and Music festivals, television, radio, and Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) programs. Richii Jai is the Program Lead and will be present at the majority of sessions throughout the training. Always happy to answer student inquiries, this is his 6th independent YTT program to date.