What is Safe Quality Food (SQF) Certification?
A food safety and quality management system designed to address the requirements of retailers, suppliers and consumers is crucial. These kinds of entities—both national and international—have understandably high expectations and want independent verification of quality management systems and overall food safety.
To meet this need, the Safe Quality Food (SQF) program was created to provide independent certification to suppliers to ensure they comply with international and national food safety regulations. This program supports the growing number of retail customers and food service providers in the U.S. and internationally who prefer suppliers that can prove they have proper safety measures in place.
Established and operated by the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI), a division of the Food Industry Association, the SQF program has a stringent certification process that ensures that approved providers meet the highest standards for food quality and safety.
The Safe Quality Food Institute
The SQF standards were established in 1994 in Australia and have been managed since 2003 by the Safe Quality Food Institute, whose mission is to help providers consistently deliver foods recognized for safety and quality. With programs based on sound scientific principles, the organization's goal is for both retailers and food suppliers to have a way to address food safety and food quality issues that businesses and consumers face every day.
The Safe Quality Food Program
The Safe Quality Food Program is more than a set of criteria. It's a food safety management system intended to provide organizations with a strict framework for managing food risks, providing safe products and obtaining internationally recognized food safety certificates.
SQF as a food safety protocol is endorsed by food service providers, retailers and brand owners all over the world. The program helps food producers let their customers know that their products meet the highest possible global food safety standards.
SQF Program Certification
The SQFI Certification is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the only one of its kind to include a food quality component in its food safety platform. SQF certifications are recognized in all facets of the food processing industry and measure how manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumers ensure safe food quality.
Safe Quality Food Program for Drinking Water
Adhering to the safety code for natural spring water is important to Eldorado Natural Spring Water, as our commitment to health and water quality are always at the forefront of our business practices. Customers expect the best from their food service providers and retailers, and our customers are no different. Even consumers of natural products, like spring water derived from a pristine source, want to ensure that the water they put into their bodies is safe.
By undergoing a food safety review, we ensure to our customers that our policies and practices have been validated by an SQF consultant. Having confirmed that our water meets the highest possible standards for SQF certification, Eldorado Natural Spring Water is proud to show our attainment of a Level 2 SQF Certification.
And because we value transparency regarding the quality of our natural spring water, we’ve published a water analysis report that details all the components in the water as well as how our numbers compare to national standards. In this regularly updated report, you can see an analysis of components such as chloride, fluoride, sulfates, calcium, magnesium and more.
Click below to learn more about what’s in our water.