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Eldorado Water Blog

Eldorado Water Blog

Does Bottled Water Really Expire?

[fa icon="calendar'] May 28, 2024 4:00:00 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water

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Water is one of those things that makes you go "huh?" when you see the expiration date at the top of the bottle. Can water really expire? Water doesn't really go bad, does it? Why does bottled water have an expiration date? Can bottled water really go bad?

The thing you really need to worry about when it comes to bottled water is the bottle itself. The plastic bottle is what actually expires, and this can really alter the flavor of the water it contains.

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Chlorine Vs. Chloride

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 22, 2022 11:13:19 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water

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Although similar in spelling, Chlorine and Chloride are actually quite different from one another! Here’s exactly what you need to know about the two and what it means in regards to water analysis.

First, we’ll start with a description of the two:


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The Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 28, 2022 8:26:25 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water

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The Top 10 Benefits of Drinking Water

Well, this is it! The top ten health benefits of drinking water. The reasons why we love it so much and want you to as well!

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Yoga Practitioner Reflects on His Attachment to Eldorado Spring Water

[fa icon="calendar'] May 31, 2018 3:57:11 PM / by Richii Jai posted in Health, Water, Eldorado Springs

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Eldorado Springs has been near and dear to my heart for years. I’ve been going to the spring to fill water bottles fresh from the mountain spring source since I was in my teens. Back in that day, there was only an aluminum trough and a hose as a spigot, and we all felt as though we knew a secret about the best water in the world. In our minds, Eldo (local’s-only slang!) was a “hidden canyon” outside of people’s attention, and a sweet spot to retreat to for hiking and visiting with friends.

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Have You Ever Heard of Molybdenum? Why Should You Care?

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 5, 2018 11:00:00 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water, Safe drinking water

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Unless you are from either Leadville, Colorado or Northern Chile, you may not know what molybdenum is. It's probably a word you are not only unfamiliar with, but also don't care about! However, if you are part of the mining industry, you definitely know what molybdenum is, and if you are in the municipal water treatment world, you also have some knowledge on this particular chemical element. Mining and water treatment are quite different occupations, but they do interconnect quite often for obvious reasons. This is a water-related blog, so you might be asking yourself, Why in the world should I care about an element in the world of mining?

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Do You Buy Local?

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 10, 2017 11:21:24 AM / by Eldorado Marketing posted in Water, Eldorado Springs, water conservation

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In recent years, there has been a bit of backlash against the massive all-you-can-buy, American-conglomerate, big-box superstores. Places where you can literally buy a fifty-pound bag of tater tots and stock up on nine hundred rolls of toilet paper. Very low prices, huge quantities, and (generally speaking) mediocre-quality merchandise are all the norm. With this trend, we have witnessed the construction of megastores with parking lots the size of Sports Authority Field and the largest selection of goods you can imagine. 

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Staying Hydrated While On the Road

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2017 11:21:00 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Health, Water, travel

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Whether you're headed to a relative's house this year or planning an epic beach vacation during the winter months, you’ll probably be spending a substantial amount of time squeezed inside a car. Not only can this be uncomfortable, but it can also take a toll on your overall health. The importance of staying hydrated is often forgotten about when on a road trip, but if not monitored, it can actually be quite dangerous! Here are a few tips to help keep you healthy on the road so that you can enjoy your final destination that much more.


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Bottle Packaging: Health Info & Choices

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 23, 2017 10:30:00 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water

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At Eldorado , we are huge proponents of staying hydrated and healthy. In order to keep informed on the latest and greatest health advancements, we are constantly conducting research and seeking out information that could affect our product, and most importantly, affect you. We’ve recently received a few questions about our bottle types in regard to BPA. Here’s a quick explanation of what BPA is, as well as the reasoning behind the packaging options we have available.

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“What Can I Say, My Cat is a Gourmet”

[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2017 1:37:00 PM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water, pets, gourmet

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At Eldorado Springs, we really love receiving testimonials from all of you out there that love our water! Some time ago, we received a rather unique email from one of our biggest fans. It just so happens that this fan is actually a cat named Tiger! In the email, Tiger’s owner, Jerry G, explains how his furry friend came to know and love Eldorado Springs Water.

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Know How it Flows: A Brief Explanation of The Different Water Types

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 21, 2017 10:47:00 AM / by Eldorado Natural Spring Water posted in Water

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Tap water, filtered water, spring water… with so many types of water available today, you may find yourself confused about the differences between them and the advantages of one over another. At Eldorado Natural Spring Water, we’re all about natural bottled water, and the wonderful gift provided by our artesian spring. But read on to learn more about the many different kinds of H2O.

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