Is Spring Water Considered Hard or Soft?
Water hardness can be defined simply as the amount of magnesium and calcium ions dissolved in a given water source. Many people believe that all water is the same, but its makeup varies depending on where it comes from and how it is treated.
Some sources of water, such as spring water, contain naturally occurring and important minerals and electrolytes due to environmental conditions where the water is found. Other sources of water for drinking utilize filters or water softeners to remove those valuable minerals or even to add fluoride.
Hard Water
The source and treatment of water can affect taste, pH level and, as noted above, how hard or soft the water is. If you have hard water in your home, you may notice a film on your dishes and glasses, or a white precipitate on sink and shower surfaces.
Hard water has a relatively high concentration of minerals, most notably calcium and magnesium. You see a white film when hard water is combined with detergents and soap, which causes the minerals to "precipitate" (i.e., to come out of solution and be deposited in solid form) and become visible to the eye.
Water from natural groundwater sources is considered hard because it picks up minerals from the rocks and sediments it encounters.
Soft Water
Compared to hard water, which contains various minerals, soft water is devoid of calcium and magnesium in particular, and typically has higher concentrations of sodium. Water is classified as soft when it has less than 1 grain per gallon (gpg) on the degrees of general hardness (dGH) scale.
Often, homeowners seek to soften their water by implementing water treatment systems to prevent precipitate build up on household surfaces. However, that approach comes with the loss of important minerals in a home's tap water.
Spring Water Hardness
So does spring water have calcium? Or magnesium? The hardness or softness of spring water varies based on the unique geological makeup of the area where the spring is found. Springs, which are natural water sources that originate from underground aquifers, possess diverse mineral compositions, including calcium and magnesium. As a result, spring water is generally considered hard.
Keep in mind, that water hardness is not a bad thing. Your body actually needs those naturally occurring minerals. Water softeners strip them away, preventing residues but depriving your body of them.
Curious about what's in Eldorado Spring Water?
Hard Water and Drinking Quality
It's important to let go of any negative assumptions you may have about hard water for the sake of your health. Hard water is actually the ideal choice for drinking because it contains essential minerals that are beneficial for your body. Not only that, but these minerals also enhance the taste of the water.
Consequently, you may want to investigate your current drinking water to determine how soft or hard it is. For example, Colorado Springs' water hardness was determined to be 1.3 – 2.8 grains per gallon (gpg), which gives it a relatively soft rating.
For Colorado residents looking for a healthier drinking water alternative—one with naturally occurring minerals and electrolytes—Eldorado Natural Spring Water offers a spring water subscription service that conveniently brings water directly to your home.
If you prefer, use soft water for showering and washing your dishes. However, when it comes to drinking water, indulge in our spring water to experience the abundance of natural goodness it offers.
This blog was previously published on 06/07/2021