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Cape Town is about to Run Out of Water


Cape Town water situation

Cape Town, South Africa is currently realizing a natural resource nightmare. Something many people around the world cannot fathom happening. This city of four million people is close to running completely out of water. June 4 is what city officials are calling “Day Zero” when city taps will run dry. An unprecedented “natural disaster” that has been created by a two-year drought and population growth.

According to a Reuters article, “Water consumption in Cape Town has declined to 526 million litres per day.” Cape Town Mayor Ian Neilson said, “This is the first time that the weekly average usage has remained under 550 million litres due to the City’s pressure management interventions and the efforts by our residents to use as little water as possible.” To give a bit of perspective, in 2016, San Diego was consuming 454 liters per day. As this major city struggles with conservation efforts, it reminds us that water is one of the most precious resources in our lives. Like clean air, we cannot live healthy, productive lives without it.

For a variety of reasons besides just drought and explosion in population, there are other cities in the world also in danger of a Cape-Town-like water crisis. Poor planning and inadequate conservation efforts are added culprits. According to news source, the South African, this crisis is also occuring in Sao Paulo, Brazil. “Partly because of an environmental drought, but also due to 'lack of proper planning and investments.' Their main reservoir which is heavily relied on, fell to 4% capacity back in 2014. It rebounded some but levels are dropping again now.” Other cities such as Mexico City, Moscow, and even Miami are in peril as well. Water is used in everything from manufacturing cars, cultivating crops, and making silicon computer chips. We tend to take it for granted, but as Cape Town, South Africa is finding out… we shouldn't.


At Eldorado Natural Spring Water, we take the stewardship of our spring and the environment very seriously. We offer 100% recycled plastic and glass bottles, utilize solar power for our manufacturing plant, and 96% of our plant waste is recycled. Additionally, we are fierce guardians of our spring and pride ourselves in being a good neighbor and giving back to our local communities. As water becomes more and more important, we will always do our part to be a responsible corporate citizen.


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