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5 Reasons Why Water Makes the Greatest Toy

Why water makes a great toy

It’s getting to be that time of the year again! The sights, sounds, and smells of the soon-to-be summer season are everywhere: birds chirping, fragrant flowers budding, and of course squeals of joy as the final bell releases kids for summer break. This block of time away from their studies provides us parents with the opportunity to spend quality time with our hard working students. But, if you’re like me, two weeks into break you’ve already completely run out of fun, summer activities!

It turns out, no matter the age, water makes an incredible toy! Whether it’s a squirt gun war, water balloon ambush, or just lounging at Eldorado’s beautiful spring-fed swimming pool, the different types of water activities are truly endless. But what some parents may not realize is that the health and cognitive benefits your child will receive are also bountiful! Here are five reasons why incorporating water into your summer activity list is a great idea.

  • Water Safety. Introducing your child to water at a young age provides the perfect chance to teach them about water safety in a fun and playful way. Whether it’s enrolling them in swim lessons, explaining currents, or even a basic first-aid cass, anything that helps them to feel more comfortable around water is definitely a skill worth teaching.
  • Socializing. Water play and social skills go hand in hand. If you’re child is still young, getting the family together and spending quality time with the little one is key in the social developmental stage. Once older, youngsters often play games like Sharks and Minnows or Marco Polo that require communication and organization. Who knows, maybe your child will really take to water and join a swim team where lifelong friendships are often formed!
  • Creativity. Water provides the perfect space for the imagination to run wild. Maybe it’s a make-believe, undiscovered world that lays beneath the water, or an improvised game of mermaids. Your child’s creative mind will flourish in a water-filled setting!
  • Sweet, Sweet Sunshine. In today’s day and age, kids are spending more and more time fiddling with iPads and watching TV, and less time in the great outdoors. Precautions against the sun’s harmful rays should definitely be taken, but a healthy dose of Vitamin D is known to aid the body in absorbing calcium which helps your child grow stronger bones! Encourage them to play in the sprinkler on days when you water your yard.
  • Health. A beautiful summer day is the perfect opportunity to power off the electronics and get outside for some exercise! Whether it’s a water balloon fight or a race in the lap pool, it will definitely get your child’s heart pumping — and yours as well if you join in the fun. It’s these kind of activities and lifestyle that translate into a healthy adulthood!

So there you have it. Five reasons water truly does make the best toy and should definitely play a role in your summer activities. When considering where to have your water fun, check out the Eldorado Springs Pool. It’s fed directly by a constant flow from the artesian spring and has such a beautifully deep hue that most people think it is artificially colored. The Denver Post named it one of Colorado's best pools in and around Denver!

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